Left Seattle
At Sea
Tracy Arm Fjord (basically at sea with AMAZING scenery)
Victoria, BC
Back to Seattle
My mom and dad flew into Portland and spent a couple days with us. Since our house was in ruins we drove around. Ate lunch in Vancouver, WA, went to a coffee shop and saw the Rose Garden. The day before the cruise left we went ahead and drove to Seattle and saw Seattle. It was nice to spend some time with them!!
We went to the Rose Garden and there was a wedding going....Garrett and Haylee were watching the festivities!!
This is our dining room table at the moment...it was a little difficult for us to all fit at the table!!
My mom's birthday was the day before our cruise (the day we left for Seattle). I had this AWESOME birthday party planned, but our house disaster put a damper on the whole thing, so we took them out to dinner instead. Our friends Emily and Ivan, Evan and his son Brody (his wife was working), and Aric and Kristin with Noah came!!
Noah and Brody smiling for the camera!
Happy Birthday, MOM!!
The 1st Starbucks!!
This small beach right by our hotel!!! Take a look at the bottom left picture....the duck was "attacking" Haylee!!
The Cruise
Lindsey and Garrett watching Seattle get smaller and smaller!!
The boat had a waterslide but it was only opened on while we were at port in Seattle....it was too cold all the other days!! Of course Lindsey and Steve were talked into taking the kids!!
While At Sea
The dining room experience
Garrett and Haylee's bunk beds!! Garrett was beyond thrilled he got to sleep on the top bunk...can you tell?
Our room.
Out on our balcony (waiting for the kids to go to sleep)
They were changing crew...it was cool to watch....our boat never stopped!!
Hanging out!!
The glass elevator looking up!!
We took a tour of the kitchen!!
The boat had a WONDERFUL, FREE program for the kids. They're class was designed for 2-5 year olds so it was great the kids were together!! They both LOVED it.....especially Garrett!! They were open from 10am-3am (10pm-3am cost). They were closed during lunch time but fed the kids dinner....it was awesome!!
They fell in LOVE with Haylee....she loved for them to paint her face!!
The pool was heated, but still a little cold...especially compared to the hot tub!! Haylee still LOVED it though!
Most nights the staff would do something funny during dinner time....my mom swinging her napkin around cheering them on!!
Formal night!
The BEST melting chocolate cake EVER!!
Our daily folding of towels left for us!!
Josh and I had a night alone at the steakhouse on the boat while my mom and dad watched the kids....Garrett wanted to spy on us!!! We were sitting by the window so there wasn't much spying going on!! :)

My parents ate at the steakhouse on their 30th Anniversary and we went to their window and spelled "LOVE"
Entering Tracy Arms Fjord
The glacier
The Disney Cruise ship!!
Haylee was asleep during when we went through the Fjord.
We were stopped in Skagway for 14 hrs so we rented a van so we could drive around and see more than the tiny little (tourist) town.
All of us squooshed in the van! Thankfully the van had a DVD player, so the kids (and Steve) were entertained.
We stopped at this suspension bridge!! It was pretty cool....a little bit scary but fun to cross!!
The only bear we saw on our trip (we were all sad about that....Garrett even said he wasn't leaving Alaska until we saw a bear!!)
Some scenery while driving
Crossing into the Yukon "state" of Canada (Haylee again....asleep)
The speed limit in Canada (too bad it wasn't in miles)
Boredom in the car
Crazy mushrooms!!
Josh being a man and catching a fish with his BARE hands....you go JOSH!!!
The ships at Port
I wanted to see Sarah Palin, but this was about has close to her as I got!
Josh, my dad, Lindsey and Steve went on a zip line tour while the kids, my mom and I got a cab (MISTAKE) and toured a little of Juneau....it was fun, just a little expensive.
We went to another glacier. It was pretty cool seeing up so up close!!
The back of the ship. My parent's had a sweet in the back....it's the top floor (with the balcony's) on the far right....that whole side was theirs!!
We left the kids in the Fun House (the kids group) for the 1st couple of hours in Ketchikan because the rest of us took a float plane tour (it was pretty expensive and the plane only held 6 passengers (plus the pilot). The plane was probably our favorite part of the trip....the pictures don't give the ride justice!!
Our plane
After little bit we stopped in a lake and was able to get out and walk around on this little dock in the middle of the lake. Another plane was there when we landed so we got to watch it take off.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
When a man has to go, he has to go....especially when your in the middle of a lake and about to get on a bumpy plane ride!! (Sorry Dad...I had to post this!!)
Do you see the shiny part in the middle of the water? Well I humpback whale came COMPLETELY up from his head to tail, blew out and then went back down!! Steve and the pilot were the only one to see it completely. Some of us saw the end of it!!
After the float plane, Josh and I went to pick up the kids and we all walked around town. It was a PERFECT, SUNNY day!!! I think we all agreed Ketchikan was our favorite.
Fresh smoked Salmon.

We went into this Christmas shop and saw the most real looking Santa Clause!!
Christmas pictures in September!!
Victoria, B.C.
We stopped in Victoria at 8:30pm. Garrett was having such a good time in the Fun House that we decided to let him stay. It was our last night on the ship and there wasn't going to be anything in town that he would like. He had a much better time there!!
This is such a cool picture!! Look at Steve...he can't keep his eye's off her!!
Awesome photos!! Makes me want to take that cruise too!