Saturday, April 30, 2011

Part 1: The Help Meet

"And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him....And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam....and he took one of his ribs....And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a women, and brought her unto the man" (Genesis 2:18, 21-22).

So if you have been married for any amount of time, you've probably noticed that your man isn't PERFECT....every single man is a "bone fide sinner".  And your men have probably noticed by now that you are a "selfish fallen creature" as well.  Marriage is hard and it takes a lot of work to create a heavenly marriage. 

In the above verses, it states that God created women to be an help meet.  It laters says in Proverbs 18:22 that the men who find a wife find a GOOD THING and obtain FAVOR of the Lord.  Do you realize what that is saying ladies???  If you are a wife you were CREATED to do something, to fill a need, you have a purpose and you ARE A GOOD THING!!  "You are, by nature, equipped in every way to be your man's helper....You were created to make him complete, not to seek personal fulfillment parallel to him.  A women trying to function liek a man is as ridiculous as a man trying to like a women.  A unisex society is a senseless society-a society dangerously out of order."

About four thousand years after Eve was created for Adam,  Paul writes to the Corinthians "For the man is not of the woman; but the woman for the man" 1 Corinthians 11:8-9....and guess what?  2000 years after Paul's letter to the church in Corinth.....GOD HAS NOT CHANGED!!

Sometimes I don't feel like my husband "deserves" my help or my all.  He's not fulfilling my needs, so I decide not to fulfill his, but God does not say ANYTHING about what he deserves.  "Your excellence as a help meet to him may very well be God's plan for improving his leadership role in the family."
Debi goes on to tell a story about their office.  She states that her employees know a lot more about the computers, finances, and even spelling, but when she ask anyone of them to do something they do it because she is the "leader" in the office.  She states, "My place of authority does not mean I am better, it only means they are there to help me do my job--BETTER!!"
It is our jobs to learn how we can help our husbands in every way possible!!  "A virtuous women is a crown to her husband."  Proverbs 12:4

"A wise women doesn't take anything for granted.  She is thankful to be loved and seeks to make herself more lovely."

Time to Consider
This is a study page that she provides at the end of every chapter

* Make a new habit.  Think fo a way you can be a helper to your husband and start today!

* Locate the following words or traits, in the Bible, as they relate to a women of God.  Write the verses  down ans ask God to work each of these attributes into your character.
                      1.) Virute
                      2.) Graciousness
                      3.) Wisdom
                      4.) Prudence
                      5.) Goodness

*A good help meet will have a passion to be of service.  Her first calling is to be to the service of her husband, then her children, and when time affords, her passion of service will spill over to serving others.

Created to Be His Help Meet

I got this book several months ago, Created to be his Help Meet by Debi Pearl.  I read this when I first got it and feel like I need to read it again.  I decided this time I would blog about it!!  For one because I feel like I will learn more if I'm writing about it and two I'd LOVE to share it with you!!  It is GREAT information for wives that "reveals God's plan for obtaining a heavenly marriage."
Debi ask that before you read this book, make a list of TEN things you would like changed in your marriage.

A little about the author (from the back of the book):
"Michael and Debi Pearl have been married since 1971 and  have 5 happily married adult children and a growing number of grandchildren.  They are the authors of To Train Up A Child, which has sold over 630,000 copies in English and Spanish and has been translated in many other languages.  Between them they have authored over 20 publications creating sales of over a million books.  They are the founders of NO GREATER JOY MINISTRIES and publishers of a FREE bi-monthly magazine.
To subscribe go to

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cake Party

I told you a week or so ago that I offer to help my friend, Amy with her daughter's 6th birthday cake, but instead of JUST having me come over and help she threw a PARTY where 25 women came an learned how to decorate with fondant and see how EAST decorating a cake can be!!  

I was showing them how to roll out the fondant, lay it over the cake and then just start cutting out pieces and putting it on!!  SO EASY!!

Having fun and making a MESS!!!

Look how AWESOME everyone's cakes turned out!!!  Simply AMAZING guys!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Busy, Busy Mondays

Our lives are ALWAYS busy, but Monday's are "Busy, Busy Monday's" in Garrett's words.  We get up in the morning and eat breakfast and then are at "Momba" (they don't have a license to use the word Zumba)  by 8:30am.  We are usually living the 9:40 (or 10am like today).  Garrett then has an hour long music class from 11am-12pm.  We are home by 12:30pm, where we eat lunch and take naps.  Then Garrett has t-ball practice from 6:15pm-7:15pm!!  Like I said.....BUSY, BUSY, MONDAY'S!!

Here is the group of mom's and their kids (there were more running around) that meet Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's.  The women in the middle with the pink shirt holding the sign is Memory.  She is our AWESOME Zumba instructor but we recently found out that you have to a license to "teach" Zumba but a license is really expensive, so all the mom's got together and pitched in to get her the money to get her license.  She was very surprised!!  It was total GREATNESS!!!
Here is where Amy (has become a GREAT friend) is presenting Memory with our "card" and a check.  She had no idea we were planning this!!

Well Easter is over, but I still have pictures I haven't posted!!  We did several Easter Egg Hunts with the kids and here is a collection of them!!

It's been hard for me to not have family around and it really hits me during Easter.  I enjoy getting together with family and having a meal.  Being here without family around and hearing everyone's family plans makes it sort of sad.  We were very blessed this Easter though and had several friends over!!  Aric, Kristin and their son Noah (our good friends I talk about all the time), Aric's parents, David and Gail (Gail is Garrett's preschool teacher and David is Garrett's Sunday School teacher) and their daughter, Lindley, and Gail's sister, Wendy (who is also Garrett's Sunday School teacher) came and enjoyed our Easter meal with us.  It was wonderful having a full only confirmed me wanting a big family though!!
Garrett, Haylee, and Noah showing each other love after their Easter Egg Hunt!!

Noah....what a handsome boy

  Happy Easter and Happy Busy, Busy, Monday to everyone!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beautiful Week

What a beautiful week it has been.  The sun has been shining all week!!  It still has been chilly, but at least we've gotten a little vitamin D!!  Friday and Saturday were the BEST days though by far!!!  Today it reached 70!!!  We have been very busy this week!!  Thursday we attempted to go to the zoo with Garrett's preschool but the weather said it was suppose to be 58 degrees....and it might have been but it was windy and kinda rainy here and there!!  Both of the kids were so cold!!!
This what a cool picture though we got that day!!  Garrett things the seal came because HE knocked on the glass!!
Look at what a big boy he is!!!  He has a school child face!!  It's not a toddle face anymore....but still very handsome in my opinion!!  
Friday was a MUCH nicer day, so we decided to go back Friday afternoon.  I had skills day at work, which started at 7am so one of my good friends, Kelly was so kind to take the kids at 6:30am so I could get there and get it done.  After I got back and picked up the kids we went home to take a quick nap and then met Kelly, her husband Mike and their precious baby daughter, Savannah at the zoo!!  AND IT WAS GORGEOUS!!!

I LOVE these pictures!!!  Garrett thinks this spray is a whale because we saw whale sprouts at Depot Bay a few years ago with my parents!!
Haylee and Savannah rode in the wagon a lot and Haylee loved feeding the "baby" cereal!!  She opened her mouth too!!!

Baby Savannah completely exhausted after a long afternoon at the zoo!!

Saturday Josh had to go to the school for a couple of hours and the kids and I went to an Easter Egg Hunt some people at our church put on!!  It was fantastic!!!  There were so many goodies, kids, and eggs!!!  My friend Amy and her three kids joined us as well!!!

After the Easter Egg Hunt, Garrett had a T-ball game which was as fun as usual!!  We probably needed to come home and take naps but I just couldn't bear to loose out on even an hour of sunshine, so we traded naps for the park!!!  I heard NO complaining from the kids!!
We stayed at the park for about an hour and then came home and colored Easter Eggs.... IN THE SUNSHINE OF COURSE!!!

What a fun weekend!!!  Unfortunately the forecast doesn't predict such weather for Easter Sunday!!  Tomorrow is suppose to be 55 degrees with light rain!!  Oh well!!  Sun, we enjoyed you while you lasted....see you in July.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bunny Cupcakes

WOW!!  Three post in one day....look at me!!  :)

So here's how I did the Bunny Cupcakes....SUPER CUTE and again SO EASY!!!

1.) Make cupcakes and frost with white frosting
2.) OPTION (Sprinkle with coconut)....I did half with and half without...and to be honest the ones without were easier to make.
3.) Cut a LARGE marshmallow in half and dip the inside cut in sprinkles
4.) Use jelly beans for the eyes and nose
5.) Use little marshmallows for the cheeks!!

Silk Tie Dyed Eggs

So I know I put a link for these on the previous posting but I wanted to tell you how to make them so you can try it out!!!!  SO EASY AND FUN!!!

1.) Get 100% silk ties (I got several from Goodwill for $2.00 each)....the darker the better!!
2.) Cut the ties big enough to go around the egg...we put the eggs in the tie and bunched it up at the top like a gift basket
3.) Cut up an old white t-shirt the same size at the ties
4.) Take RAW eggs and wrap the ties tightly around the eggs
5.) Wrap the white shirt around the tie and egg (helps keeps the color in)
6.) Fill a pot up with water to cover the eggs with vinegar (I just poured some in the pot)
7.) Bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes.
8.) Unwrap when cool enough to touch and look at your creation!!

Here's some pictures of Garrett and Haylee's best friend Noah!!
They are all watching Dora together.

Garrett and Noah kissing Haylee!!

Parties, Parties, and MORE Parties

Our lives are SO much fun right now!!  The kids LOVE playing with other kids and there are so many kids around here that we are having a BLAST!!  Our life has been filled with PARTIES lately and I love it (so do the kids because they get lots of sweets!!)

I offered my dear friend, Amy some help making her daughter's 6th birthday cake and she took me up on it!!  Instead of helping her though.....she turned it into a PARTY!!!  She baked about 15 little cakes and then cakes for her daughter's cake and showed about 25 women how EASY making cakes was!!  It was a blast and her daughter's cake turned out SUPER CUTE!!!

The birthday girl and her family!!!

This party was after the kids went to bed though and Garrett heard about it and did NOT think it was fair that I was going to a party without Daddy, Haylee and him, so we decided to throw Daddy a "Made-Up Daddy Day" party!!  Garrett wanted to wear his Sunday clothes (we did not get pictures because it was his Easter outfit) and Haylee had to wear a dress!!  They drew Daddy pictures and went and got him a present!!  Daddy was very surprised!!

Here's a RANDOM picture of Haylee dancing!!  Getting ready for Lindsey's wedding!!!  We are going to rock the dance floor!!!

Today I threw a Easter Party Play Date!!! 

We had lots of food and fun activities!!  We made little chicks out of paper, SILK TIE EASTER EGGSRESURRECTION ROLLS, and did an Easter Egg hunt!!!  What a BLAST!!

The resurrection rolls are a really neat idea to do with kids.  You wrap Jesus (a marshmallow), in a blanket (the roll), put him in the oven tomb, and when they are all done Jesus has resurrected!! 
I also made these BUNNY BROWNIES for all the moms!!  It's a really neat gift idea and you can do it for any holiday!!

As Haylee is getting older, she is discovering she likes Garrett's things too!!!  They have started fighting and I'm NOT a fan!!  There is a lot of screaming at out house right now (we are currently working on that right now....but it's a working process) and a lot of tattle telling!!  I've started making them work things out on their own (AFTER they use their kind words with each other) and look.......

......they DO know how to compromise!!!

Haylee being a little mommy!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

All Kinds of Good Stuff

How cute are they?  I couldn't help it, this was after church today and they both looked so pretty in their Sunday clothes...and if you didn't know PURPLE is Garrett's favorite color (has been for a long time), but purple doesn't usually look good on him but this shirt is very handsome!!

Last Friday God decided to tease Oregon.  We had 64 degree weather and SUNSHINE!!  That's right, we got a little real life liquid vitamin D!!!  I was so sick with a bad cold, but I did not care....we were outside all day!!!  That morning we went to the park and had a picnic lunch with some friends!!  

Has you can tell these children are from Oregon because at this point it's about 58 degree and we are sporting sunglasses, a summer dress, short sleeves and of course a bottle of water because of the heat!!

After nap time we back out.  I was meeting a family up at Pittock Mansion to take some family portraits and I decided because the weather was so gorgeous I would take some of the kids as well.  Our friend Leni and her mom Chris decided to join us for the fresh air as well!!

What an AWESOME Friday...even if I didn't feel good!!

Saturday was a big day for Garrett!!!  TAKE ME OUT TO THE T-BALL GAME!!!  Garrett out his first T-ball game and it was about the cutest thing you have ever seen!!!

Garrett's team....the TIGERS!!

Garrett running in for his first "run"  (they don't have run's in t-ball.  All the kids get to bat on one team and then they switch....they go back and forth for an hour.  They do count outs which ALWAYS happens on first base.)

Garrett's Cheerleaders!!

Saturday night Josh and I had girls/guys night with our friends Aric and Kristin.  Our kids needed to go to bed on time with our busy day and church in the morning, so Josh went over to their house and did whatever boys do, and Kristin came over to our house and we had a girls night (which lasted WAY TOO long....we didn't end up going to bed until about 3am!!)  It was really fun though and didn't put any stress on the kids!! 
Josh and I made caramel corn for the night though and kids kept watching up make it.  They were so excited that we were making pop corn and then throughly disappointed they couldn't have any after it finished popping it.  It takes about an hour to make and they just kept coming over and watching....until Haylee finally couldn't take it anymore......
This is a girl who LOVES her popcorn!!!