Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daddy's In Charge

I came down with pneumonia this week so Daddy was in charge this weekend while I tried to rest and get better before Daddy had to go back to school on Monday.  On Saturday, I came downstairs after resting and found Josh having a pillow fight....not just with Garrett, but with Haylee too!!  It was funny watching it, but it was too cute watching Haylee getting right there in the middle of it.  She would get up on her knees with her hands in the air and plow down on top of them and just squeal.  She loved it when Josh would it her over the head with the pillow!!

I do ask if you would keep me in your prayers.  It's Sunday afternoon and I'm still not feeling better...I'm actually starting to get short of breath.  I called the doctor today and he started another, stronger antibiotic.  Josh has school in the morning and it's hard to rest taking care of two kids. 
Thank you.

Mount Hood

Can you see the mountain in the background!!  That's the main road in front of our house....that's what we see when we go anywhere....if it's NOT cloudy!! 
Mt. Hood.

Spaghetti Face

.....and Daddy still loves her!!!

Family Picnic

Last week we decided to have a picnic.  Josh had a lot of studying to do but he took a lunch break and because Garrett really wanted to go outside we decided to have a picnic.  It was kinda cold and windy but we had a good time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Haylee Jean is......ONE YEAR OLD

Well first of all let me say.....WOW!!!  My baby girl is ONE year old!!  I can't believe it!!  So much has happened this year, but she was definatly the BEST thing!!  She is growing up to be such a sweet, BIG girl!!  She weighs almost 22 lbs (about 6 lbs less than her brother who is THREE years older!!).  She has one tooth (bottom left) and gets around just fine crawling.  This girl does not care about walking at all (which is FINE with me).  She has a smile that melts even a strangers heart and LOVES her big brother.  He can make her laugh a laugh you have NEVER heard before.  SO SWEET!!
Today we had a HUGE #1 birthday bash for her with our church Life Group.  We usually meet every Wednesday night and eat dinner together so we did the same tonight and then ate cake and opened presents!! SO MUCH FUN!! 


Birthday Bow!

"Cupcake" cake

"Happy Birthday, dear Haylee.  Happy Birthday to you!"
She LOVED us singing her to her.  She noticed the cake right away and kept pointing to it...and then when she figured out we were singing to her......

....her face lit up (it's hard to see in the picture)

" this really mine!"

"I could do this"

"This is SO good!!"

"Can I do this EVERYDAY?" 
And yes that is cake up the nose...NOT a boogies"


Haylee had NO idea what the presents where but ALL the other kids did, so I put all the presents in the floor and told them to have at it!!  ALL the present were opened in about 5 seconds...NO LIE!!

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!!  We love you so much and you bring so much joy to our family!!  You are truly ONE OF A KIND!!!  We are going to have so much fun with you this next year!!  You are growing up so fast and I know will continue to grow just as fast this next year. I have one request for you..please be easy on your big brother...don't beat him up too bad!!

Prayer Request for Garrett

Hello everyone, well I want to request prayer for Garrett.  Today we had an appt for Garrett to get his hearing tested because he has had a hard time listening lately.  He also changes what we say....he says "what" a lot so we thought that maybe it was becoming a habit so we would start staying, "you heard what we said, what did I say?" He would repeat it but it wasn't what we said it just sounded like what we said (doll/ball). 
....Anyway we decided to get his hearing tested and we found that he has a signifant hearing deficiet.  A normal 3 year old should be hearing around 15 (whatever they measure it at) and he is around 40-50.....BUT when they test his nerve signal, he is numbers are running 0-5 which is OVER excellent, so that is telling us that the nerve is working just great.  There is something (probably some type of fluid) in this space (middle ear) that should be filled with air that is blocking the sound waves.  The doctor said try putting in a good pair of ear plugs and that is how Garrett is hearing (poor guy!!).  We were refered to a Ears, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor so we should be able to fix this.  Please just keep him in your prayers and the doctors find what is causing this.  I will keep you updated!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

UPDATE on Isaac Godwin

I got this email from Isaac's girlfriend tonight!!!  KEEP PRAYING!!!

Hi everyone, thank you so much for all the prayers. God is really moving and doing a miracle in Isaac's recovery. Today he was breathing without the ventilator for most of the day, but this evening they put him back on it so his lungs could rest. We praise God for this because that means he didn't have to have the treik put in his neck. Tomorrow they'll access him again and if all is still going well with his breathing they are going to take him off the vent. That is a huge praise! So pray that he continues to breathe normally and STRONG!

As far as brain function goes... we need to see more. He did well a few days again when he gave the Dr. a thumbs up, but today he was in and out of it. So pray for God to wake him up and fully restore his mind. Lastly was a small thing - his temp was up when we left tonight. So pray that it goes down so he doesn't get sick or infections.

Pray for Mr. Godwin (Isaac's dad) and Mrs. Godwin... because they are both very strong and very tired. Mr. Godwin has a sore throat and that hinders him from being close to Isaac. Pray for his healing! Isaac needs his dad to encourage him.

Thank you for your prayers and love, God is good and we'll let you know how tomorrow goes.God Bless


A Prayer for Isaac

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Commonwealth Lake Park

It was another gorgeous day today so the kids and I decided to find another BEAUTIFUL spot in Oregon!!  It seems like everytime we go out, we find the most BEAUTIFUL spot EVER!!  We had a really good time.  A friend of ours told us about this park and it was really neat.  There is a sidewalk around this gorgeous pond/lake.  It's about 0.8miles total around the track.  There are hundreds of ducks on the pond and there are trees, green grass, picnic tables, a playground, bridges, etc....  It  was awesome. 

Take note of the color of the grass.....IT'S FEBRUARY!!!  Grass doesn't seem to die here!!!

Sweet Big Brother!!!

UPDATE on Isaac Godwin

This was written a little bit ago on facebook by Isaac's dad, Ivan Godwin:

"This is Isaac's dad.  Thank you for pursuing God for Isaac's recovery.  We are believing God for Isaac's complete healing. God did an amazing work in Isaac's body last night, astonishing even the doctors. He is breathing on his own and we are working to remove the respirator altogether. We are praying we will not need to have the tracheotomy.  The doctors are working to ween him from the respirator today. Pray
that God makes that possible. He has been sitting up on occasion, opening his eyes and responding directly to the doctors. He even gave the doctor a thumbs up."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Godwin Family

Hannah, Mayra, Eli, Isaac, baby Elizabeth, Kris, and Ivan

Some really good friends of our family was involved in a car accident last Saturday.  Their 19 year old daughter and 22 year old son collided with another vehicle..Hannah is stable and healing at home after a 2 day hospital stay and Isaac is in critical condition in Lubbock.  He is currently on a ventalitor and their family needs ALL THE PRAYERS!! 

Lord, I pray for a complete healing for Isaac!!  He is a man after your heart and has so many more people to show Your way.  I pray that he will wake up and start breathing on his own.  Please give Hannah peace of mind and allow her to trust in You!!  Give Kris and Ivan peace.  Allow them to know that everything is going to be ok.  Allow them to rest peacefully each night knowing You are in control and their son is being taken care of my YOUR SON!  We love you and praise you.  We know that you know what is best!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Day of Sunshine

Big Girl Car Seat

Haylee will be ONE next week and she was growing out of her portable car seat so we decided it was time for a BIG GIRL car seat!!  Toys R Us was having this awesome trade in deal where you traded your old car seat for a discount on a new I traded a broken car seat we had and got an AWESOME deal on this beautiful little girl BIG GIRL car seat!!