Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jones/Sorenson 2nd Annual Camping Trip

Our 2nd Annual Camping trip with Nana & Papa and the Jones' was a success!!!  We were so excited this trip actually happened!!  With Jody healing for this crazy summer and Amanda (Gary and Linda's 3rd daughter) getting married (she is actually now married....but the wedding was a week out when we went camping) it could have been easily cancelled!!  So happy it didn't!!

The kids were out of school Thursday & Friday but I let them miss Monday-Wednesday as well so they could go ahead to the camp ground with Nana and Papa.  They missed out on several days after Jody getting sick this summer and that time together before we all got there was very much enjoyed by everyone (including me)!!!

Me and Josh (and of course Natalee) left as soon as Josh got off work Wednesday.  We stayed in a hotel the 1st night because we were tenting it this year and got in after dark.  
Natalee ready to see Nana (and Bubba and Sissy)

Enjoying Nana's ice cream

 Loving our Jessie time

No bathtubs so little miss Nat had to take a bath the sink.  She didn't mind one bit!!

Going for a bike ride....if Samuel's bike will hold up (I officially learned how to put a bike chain back on....a couple of times)

....a really beautiful bike ride!!

 Miss Natalee decided to have a reaction while we were out there....and of course I didn't bring any medicine.  Went to a local clinic, who did not have any pediatric supplies so I improvised!!
She got her medicine and was ready for some more camping!!

 Playing games

 "NO I have not been playing in the dirt!"

 Hanging out around the fire....oh wait there was a fire ban!!

 Jessie makes everything more fun!!

Can't wait until next year!!