This blog is about my family, the Sorenson's. It's about our life, mainly our kids, and crazy ideas!! We met in high school in New Mexico. Got married while in college and then had our son 13 months later. I started it in 2009 when we found out we were going to move so far away from our family and friends. My husband, Josh was accepted to Dental school in Portland, OR and Oregon Health and Science University. My family lives in NW Arkansas and Josh's family lives in Eastern NM and Texas. I figured it would be a great way for friends and family to keep up with us and most importantly our TWO children. Right before he graduated dental school we had our 3rd child and then three weeks later moved to Oklahoma where we left a lot of dear friends in Portland. I have discovered that writing about our daily activities and photographing our adventures is a blast.
Take a look into our OH SO REAL....BUT FAIRYTALE WORLD!!