Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not Much Going On

So there isn't much going on.  Josh going to school Monday-Friday, sometimes having to go in on Saturday. I'm still working 1-2 nights a week, Garrett is in Preschool on Tuesday and Thursday.  I'm going to exercise group Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  We have church on Sundays, Life Group on Wednesday.  That's basically our life......week and week!!  It's nice to have lots to do, but it doesn't really feel like we're doing anything special lately.  

Josh and I got a little "surprise" lunch date the other day.  Josh went in to school early and forgot that he didn't have class until 1pm that day, so he called and asked if we wanted to meet him for lunch around 11am.  We had a play date scheduled with my friend, Kelly at 9:30am, so we went ahead and went over there for a little awhile. When she heard that we were meeting Josh for lunch she graciously offered to watch the kids to give Josh and I some alone time....MUCH NEEDED!!  Even if it were only for lunch!!  THANK YOU KELLY!!!
We I got back to pick up the kids this is what I found on her wall.....
Thankfully they come off the wall!!

It has also been warming up so the kids have been having more play time outside.  The other day Haylee and Garrett was playing in the backyard while I was trying to get dinner ready.  All of a sudden I heard Haylee screaming and Garrett screaming "THERE'S AN EMERGENCY!  THERE'S AN EMERGENCY!!"  When I got outside Haylee had fallen on the concrete stairs and skinned her knees pretty bad.  Both of them were bleeding and Haylee was crying pretty good.  After she stopped crying I set her on the counter and as soon as Garrett saw her knees he took off.  I thought he was running away from the blood (because he HATES blood...a couple of times I've thought he was going to throw up after the sight of blood!!)....but he comes running back in with one of his Spider-man band-aids!!  He said "Haylee I know what will make it all better!!" 
....and of course it made it all better!!

Haylee's hair as been really going out!!  It seems like everyday it gets longer and longer!!
I know it's not a really good picture of her but you can see her hair pretty good!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just LOVE when you talk about me on your blog! I am going to babysit for you just to see my name on your blog (selfish much)! LOL!!! I love you and your kids! You guys are the best!

    -Kelly :)
