My baby sister is getting married in 5 days and I leave in for Kansas City in 8 hours but I had SO many pictures to post, so I decided to catch up before I the wedding because you know I'll have a TON of pictures to post afterwards!!
A couple of weekends ago our church had a bridal shower for a girl in our church. Everything was decorated SO cute!! The them was 50's House Wife!!
A picture of everyone who helped put the shower together
How cute is all this!
Guest having a FABULOUS time!!
The WOMAN of the hour!!
Haylee talking to Nana
We went bowling the other night with our friends Aric and Kristin!! It was so much fun and I'm AWESOME at bowling!! Can you tell by my score!!
We were invited to go camping about 2 1/2 hrs away with several other families from church!! I was a little worried about sleeping in a tent with two kids but it was GREAT!!! They did awesome and we ALL had a GREAT time!!!
Garrett rode this bike the whole time!! bike and helmet!! Sporting boy all the way!!
Garrett found this caterpillar!! He was so proud of himself!!
Church on Sunday!!
The fire was HOT
Homemade Ice Cream= Staple of Camping
Ashley and Haylee
Reading the Bible after church
We decided to go on a whale watching tour!! It was HORRIBLE!!! The waves were choppy. We didn't see any whales and Haylee got SO sick!!!
Haylee at the beginning of the ride and then at the end of the ride!! Poor baby girl!!
Garrett and I had a GREAT time!!
Again a BEFORE and AFTER

There are all the pictures!!! Now for SO many week! Can't WAIT!!! It's going to be a FANTASTIC week!!!