Days Leading up to Christmas:
Josh and Garrett made a Gingerbread House a couple of days before Christmas so Santa Claus had something to eat. They had so much fun making it. I think they ate more candy than they put on the house. It came out so cute!
On Tuesday before Christmas Garrett and I went to the airport at 11pm to pick up Nana, Papa, and Jessie!! He was so excited he HAD to come with me. He was so good too for being up that late. Nana, Papa, and Jessie were very surprised to him as well because they thought he would be fast asleep! Went Garrett saw Nana he screamed at the top of his lungs, NAAAAAAANNNNNAAA....and ran up to her. I think the people in Canada heard him. It was really cute!!

Watch me....I'm eating the candy!!
Christmas Eve:
Christmas Eve we decided to have Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato cassrole, green beans....the whole nine yards....and it was SO good!!! After lunch we all got in the van (it was nice to be able to take one vehicle everywhere) and show Jessie where Josh goes to school and where I work. Because school was on break we got to go behind the scene and see Josh's lab area. He showed us some such they are working on and what they're doing. It was really neat!! Then that night we went to church for our Christmas Eve candlelight service and then back home for our christmas eve PJ gift and off to bed so Santa Claus could come!!
Christmas Day:
We had so much fun on Christmas Day. Garrett woke up around 8 am and came and got us. He really understood the whole Santa Claus thing this year, so it was a lot of fun. He went and told everyone to get up because Santa Claus brought him presents!! He was so excited. He had a lot of fun opening up presents. He wanted to open up everyone elses presents too.
Haylee had NO clue what was going on and I think she was in OVERLOAD!! She just kinda looked around at everything and didn't really know what to think or do.
After we opened up gifts, Jody and I started COOKING!! It has always been a tradition in Josh's family to make Mexican food on Christmas Day (and I DON'T MIND!!!) so we made Pasole, Green Chile, Spinach Enchiladas, Chicken Enchiladas, homemade salsa, and beans!!! YUM!! I invited some friends over for dinner, so they came over and we had a great time!! The food was great and we had a wonderful time with friends and family!
Waiting for everyone to get ready so we can go downstairs!!
What he is running towards in the previous picture (it's a chalkboard on one side, white board on the other side, and then has that paper....$14.99 from IKEA!!)
Santa Claus left him some milk too!!
This is so cool!! (You can see overwhelmed little Haylee in the back!! :)
After Christmas:
The day after Christmas we decided to go visit Mt. Hood! It thought it would be a beautiful drive and thought Garrett would have a good time playing in the snow. It was so pretty!! It was so clear and you could see Mt. Hood perfectly!! When we got there we put Garrett in all of his snow gear and took him in the snow. The first thing he did was layed down!! It was so cute! He wanted to build a snowman really bad but the snow was too powerdery. 
Breath Taking MT. HOOD
Garrett is ready
Where Nana and Haylee stayed....NICE AND WARM!! :)
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