YAH!!!! It'sChristmas Time and what better way to start celebrating christmas by going and getting a christmas tree!!! Oregon is the number one state in the nation for real christmas trees!!! They sell five times more christmas trees than any other state and they are gorgeous!! We went to this christmas tree farm about 20 mins from our house and took a hayride up on this huge hill and got to pick our very own and then this nice man came and cut it down for us!!
Garrett is VERY excited about getting a tree!!
Going up the hill on our hayride

Daddy's turn for a picture!!

Look at all those trees...decisions, decisions!!

Garrett (Charlie Brown) thinks we should get this tree!!!

We found our tree but why are they cutting it down?!?

OHHHHH....I get it, we get to take it home!!!



I can carry this home....don't you think?

Waiting for our tractor to come pick us up

They had this cool machine that wrapped it up and then a bunch of guys tied it down to the top of car. We didn't have to do a thing....but PAY!!

Garrett got to put the angel on top!

From forest to house!!! What a GREAT day!!
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