Last weekend we drove up with our friends Markus and Dayloni
(and their dog Baxter) north of Seattle and took a ferry boat to the San Juan
Islands. Our van was LOADED!! It included 4 adults, 2 kids, 1 dog, 2 tents,
blankets, sleeping bags, a grill, a large cooler with food, 2 Rubbermaid
containers of food and camping supplies, a canopy for the table, and our bags
with clothes. I have NO idea how we fit
everything in there but we did and we were excited!! We were camping right on the Salish Sea where
the Orca whales come to feed!!
Our loaded down van waiting to get on the ferry.
On the ferry with another ferry boat behind them!!
Welcome to Friday Harbor, San Juan Island!!
Our tent sight was right on the waterfront and there were
stairs that took you down to a private little beach. I didn’t bring any swimsuits because I
figured the waters would be WAY TOO COLD, but it was so hot and the water was
actually not too bad, especially for the kids….so I let them wear underwear (or
Marcus is known for going into really cold water so we
decided to take a midnight dip (well it was like 10:45)!! It was cold but actually not too bad and it
gave you kind of a little high. Josh
decided he’d just take pictures and laugh at us!!
It's SO cold....but I LOVE it!!!
The first night we were there, the boys were getting dinner
going and I was in the tent getting our beds set up before dark, I heard Haylee
start to cry. I figured Josh was right
there and could handle it until I heard Garrett say “she’s dripping blood.” I didn’t think it was anything because
Garrett cannot handle the sight of even a drop of blood but I decided I should
go out and check it out….when I got out there the entire back of Haylee’s head
was COVERED in blood. I had to keep
telling myself, “you’re a pediatric nurse, heads bleed a lot!” Here we were on this remote island where we
had to wait in line for 3 hrs to take get on a ferry boat and my daughter is
bleeding out of her head!! It turned
out to be this small gash that really liked to bleed, but by the next morning
it was all dried up.

Our camping neighbors had these two kayaks. When Dayloni asked them one morning how their
morning ride was their response was, “Great….we’re going to be out all day so
you guys should take them out!!”
SERIOUSLY?!?! So we walked them
down to our little beach and took turns going out….even the kids and the
dog!! It was so beautiful. You really felt small though in that great
big ocean!!!
Josh and I got into a splashing fight and it got a little out of hand!!!
There were also NO showers here so the kids got GOOD AND DIRTY (yes it was a lot fun washing Haylee's bloody hair with a water bottle)!!
Bambi's Mommy!!!
My boy....he's sharpening his knife!!
The sunsets were so beautiful. It was a fun time to talk with the kids about
how amazing our God is and how the earth spins and why there are sunsets!! Garrett is getting so big and starting to
understand so much!!

Morning time!!! Josh cooking breakfast....say cheese!!

Staying warm by the fire!!
Roche Harbor
The famous Hotel De Haro....supposedly Teddy Roosevelt stayed in this hotel!!!
Playing Bocce Ball!!
Playing in tide pools!!
We came along this beach with all this huge drift wood where people had built different things. Of course the boys (including Garrett) felt the need to destroy!!
Haylee building!!
Josh building...and then he destroyed it!!
On our last day we were camping up and Garrett was over in the grass field where you could look out onto the ocean. He comes running over saying there are whales....we take a look and there is a big pod of Orca whales!!! What a GREAT way to end our trip!!!
Good Bye San Juan Islands!!! We had fun!!!
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