photo taken by my dad
Oh my is right….just going to warn you this post is going to
be LONG!! Ever since having the 3rd
child (and moving to a not as pretty state) I seem to NEVER have my camera…so I
rely on my phone. My phone is really
easy to get out and take quick pictures of whatever we’re doing. Well the problem with that is my phone
pictures don’t usually make it to my computer…which mean they don’t make it to
the blog. I finally downloaded all my
phone pictures to my computer….so here you go!!!
We are in Oklahoma and adjusting. We REALLY REALLY REALLY miss Oregon. We have talked several times how much we took
advantage of the 4 years we were there.
Josh mentioned the other day how he remembers thinking how horrible life
was (with school not Oregon) but now looking back on it, it was pretty
Anyway we are here and doing good….we are actually moving
again!! But this time only an hour down
the road. Josh’s office was just REALLY
slow and wasn’t going anywhere and he had the opportunity to transfer closer to
Tulsa….so Owasso here we come!!! Josh
starts working there this week (he is already liking it much better) and we
will physically move out there in May when the kids finish school here. I am sad to have start over yet again but we
know this is God’s plan for us. It could
not have been any more obvious!!
Ok so where do I start with these pictures…..I guess I’ll
start with the random everyday pictures of the kids!!! Most of these are of Natalee because that's who I'm with all day!!
I took this of Natalee in October. This baby LOVES her two fingers!!
Not really sure how she ended up over there!! She was in the middle (on the OTHER side of the bars). I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was like this!!
My pretty girl growing up!!
Love the hat!!

Dr. appt time!!
We got snow....which included TWO snow days!!!
YEA!!!! too!!!!
Ok I'm bored with this snow day business...can those big kids go back to school already!! It's TOO loud here!!!
All dressed for church....taking a picture of ALL three kids is HARD!!!
Natalee with her cousin...Natalee 6month- 12lbs & Dorothy 1 week- 10lbs!! I do believe Dorothy has passed up Natalee already!!
Yea a good picture of all of them....if only Natalee weren't in her PJ's...but at least it's cute PJ's!!
Love the photo bomb!! Nice Garrett!!!
Talking to Grandpa!!!
Loving on Great Grandpa (Grampy!!). How he loves his grandkids!!!!
Sweet Natalee and Grammy!!! I LOVE this picture!! They are both so beautiful!!!
Haylee and her cousin Suri. They were made for each other!!

Decorated for Christmas
The beginning of November we went to Silver Dollar City for their annual light show!! It was AWESOME!! We had such a great time!! Several families from our church went, but we (just the 5 of us) stayed in a little condo and we spent all day at Silver Dollar City!! We are always doing stuff with friends or family (which is GREAT) but it was nice to spend the day just us!!!
Garrett was very impressed by this HUGE leaf!!
Natalee loved being outside!!
Garrett went on this INTENSE roller coaster and LOVED IT!! Went upside down THREE times!! It was so much fun going on that with him!!!
We stood in line for about 20 mins and he was a little nervous and to be honest was a little nervous for him too!! When it was our turn they measured him and he was JUST the right height (48in). We found our car, they buckled every one up and then looked at Garrett and said they didn't think he was tall enough and wanted to remeasure him....which meant by policy they had to unbuckle everyone. EVERYONE WAS WATCHING!! They remeasured him and said he was good to go!! The ENTIRE place roared and cheered!! Some people from our church were in line and started chanting Garrett! Garrett! Garrett! which got everyone chanting his name!! He had the biggest smile (and I think was a little embarrassed)!! Afterwards everyone asked him how to he liked it and he said I LOVED IT!!!! It was defiantly a moment to remember!!!
Waiting in line to see the Christmas Carol!! This show was awesome and the kids did GREAT!!!
Tree lighting
Eating funnel cake!!
Can you tell it's getting late...but we're having too much fun!!
Who are you and why are you so bright!!
For Thanksgiving this year we went to my parent's house. It was nice to be with family.

RUNNING!!! So my mom talked me into doing a half marathon (that ended up getting cancelled due to weather) and I thought she was CRAZY at first!! I had NEVER ran more than 3 miles and that was a HUGE accomplishment!! She promised me it wasn't bad and each week you just increase your mileage by one mile. So I took the plunge!! Each week was shocked...I just ran 6 miles, I just ran 8 miles, I just ran 9 miles!! Well the week of our 10 mile run we (me, my sister, my mom & dad, and my sister's friend) signed up for the Tulsa marathon relay. Each leg was about 5 miles and since we were suppose to run 10 miles that weekend we decided to run 2 legs. My mom ran the 1st leg with my dad, and then ran the 2nd leg, then my sister and I ran the 3 & 4 leg. It was SUCH an awesome experience!! All the people cheering, the music playing, everyone around you the entire time, Gatorade stations every mile or so!! My sister and I talked the entire time. Oh and might I add the high temp that day was 24 degrees F!! Around mile 5ish I mentioned how I great I felt and how I felt like I could run to the finish line (another 5 miles after our 10 miles), but I went on to say I know by mile 9 I'll be dying!! Well mile 9 came around and we still felt great....and we decided to do it.....we finished it through!!!! WE RAN 15.45 miles!!!!!! Let me say that again.....I RAN 15.45 miles!!!! It was AWESOME!!! I had so much fun with my sister!! It was defiantly in one of my top 10 days!!!

my mom and I after our 8 mile week (that was a hard one for me)!!
After our 15 mile run!!!
Ok....that's it!! I told you it was a long run!! Life is a little different now but it's good!!! We are finding our new normal and enjoying our blessings!! It is nice to be able to see family more often and not have to worry about flying!!
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