We signed Garrett up for football this fall thinking it would be a good sport for him. It will toughen him up a little, he can be with a bunch of boys and a good way to make friends. We signed him up coming from OREGON where EVERYONE gets a trophy.... its happy and "we are here for the kids" type of attitude (attitude I'd expect when 7 year olds are LEARNING to play a sport).
WRONG!!! Welcome to Oklahoma, Sister!!! These boys are going to be the future OU team and they need to be good!!! SERIOUSLY you'd think someone said that by the way they act!!! It's TOUGH. Two hour practices 3x week, traveling as far as 1.5 hrs to a game, yelling, running, tackling, then more yelling.....and guess what Garrett LOVES it!! Josh and I didn't think Garrett would survive. We thought FOR SURE there would be tears after the first game, the 1st time he got tackled and we'd be out, but NO. After the 1st game Garrett just wanted more and that little boy is getting good!! He even made a tackle this last game and they announced his name over head...because yes they play on a full field and have an announcer!!
Has much has I HATE the way it's ran (Josh calls it Toddler's and Tiara's in football uniforms) it's so fun watching Garrett learn and understand something he enjoys. And boy has he toughened up!!
It really has been fun!!
Oh and do you like his socks and shoelaces?? Another mom gave me that idea....so we can tell where he is when he's playing!!!
Half Time
How cute and looks like lots of fun! Go Garrett! nancy j