Thursday, May 30, 2013

Meet Natalee Michelle....

Natalee Michelle entered this world on May 22, 2013 at 5:26am.

I started "different than my Braxton Hicks" contractions two days before she was born.  I thought for sure we'd have a baby on the 20th.  They were stronger and felt a lot different than the ones I had been having off and on for the last month...but they never got strong.  After a doctors appt on the 21st my doctor told me I'd have a baby that day and I should start regular full labor NEVER came!!  She then advised me to go on in the hospital and get checked.  I still was NOT contracting regularly but after getting checked, walking around and getting checked again, my water was leaking and I was staying!!  We were going to have a baby soon!!!
I walked and walked and walked!!  Still NO regular contractions.  Then they broke my water....and the contractions STARTED!!!  They got stronger and stronger!!  After 2 1/2 hrs they checked me again and NO change!!  I was so frustrated and was ready for it to be over by this time (not to mention it is now 3:30am!!) 
They had to start pitocin because of the no change and boy did I think the contractions were strong earlier!!  At 4:30 they gave me a Vistaril (a med that helps relax you).  By 5:15 I was ready to push and she here at 5:26am!!    
Garrett and Haylee came to visit a few hours later and was AMAZING!!  The look in their eyes and the smiles on their faces!!  They were instantly in love!!  Garrett wanted a boy so bad, but as soon as he looked at her he didn't care!!

Our family is now complete!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats You Guys! She is simply beautiful! What a blessing :) I LOVE the video you put are so talented at like...uhm...EVERYTHING! Sure do miss you! -Kelly
