In April I was able to attend our church's annual Ladies retreat!! WOW....what an amazing weekend!! It was so much fun and uplifting to be with so many sisters!!! Here is a video I put together of the photo's I took!!! If you are in the Portland area you should defiantly come with us next year!!!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy Mother's Day to both of our beautiful Mom's!! Thank you so much for all that you have done for us throughout our lives and raising us to be the people, spouses, and parent's we are today!! Both of you had a HUGE part in who we are today!! THANK YOU!! We love you so much and only a few more weeks before we see each of you!!
My Mother's Day started off amazing....I got woke up by sweet voices saying "Happy Mother's Day....we made you breakfast!!" I was served french toast, bacon, strawberries and blueberries with a tall glass of cold milk.....IN BED!!! WHAT AN AMAZING WAY TO WAKE UP!! Thank you Garrett and Haylee (AKA Josh!!).
We went to park this afternoon in our HORRIBLE HOT (84 degree weather)!! It was beautiful but it was hot too!!! We have decided we have become weak!! 84 degrees would be a BEAUTIFUL day in New Mexico or was HOT here in Oregon!!
We made homemade ice cream.....YUMMY!!!!
Haylee getting walked by Baxter (our friend's dog)!!
I promised you pictures of Garrett!! We do still have him around!!
....and of course Haylee needed to jump too!!
Garrett got a little HOT running around!!
If only that water was would have been fun to play in....Baxter (the dog) enjoyed it!!
It was fun to fish out lily pads though!!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Beautiful Weather
Our forecast predicts SUNNY and 80 degree weather for several days and SUNNY weather for 10 days!! Has summer arrived or is Oregon playing a mean trick on us?!? Whatever it is I'm enjoying it!! It's so much fun going to the park everyday and having a little color to my skin!! I'm just ready for Garrett to get out of school!!! I was looking through my pictures this week and there is not ONE of Garrett!! DUMB SCHOOL....who needs it anyway!!! Guess I'll just have to take more pictures on the weekends!!
So last week we met some friends at a local hidden gem (as my friend Megan calls it)! It's this fabulous park that wraps around a beautiful lake right in the middle of the city in the middle of a neighborhood!!
The girls were so fascinated with the ducks.....mainly because there were....
I LOVE this picture!! She was telling me a story and she talks with such expression!!!
Her Bestie....Kathryn!!
I have been helping at our church preschool on Thursday since one of the helpers had a baby and Haylee went with me. Well the kids were practicing for the end of the year program and Haylee was SO excited for it that they let her sing with them!! She thought she was the BIGGEST thing there was!!! She is SO excited for preschool!!!
The teachers and helpers!
She is SO excited!!!
One of our ministers!
All the three year olds!
Teacher Gail asked all the kids in the audience who attended the preschool in the past to come up on the stage...the tall guy in the back (our friend Aric and Gail's son) attended the preschool when it was first started 20 years ago!!
Haylee saying her name!
Today is my BIRTHDAY!! Josh and I got a babysitter and took a train trip to the Mt. Hood Valley! It was a nice a relaxing day. We didn't really do anything. The view was BEAUTIFUL though!!!
Those are all pear trees!!
The view as we were leaving!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Great Video
I saw this video on Facebook and LOVED IT!! It is personal to me to because these are the kids that I work with, even though I don't work with kids with cancer I work with kids that are facing adversities and trails so great it's hard to imagine, but this songs speaks their attitude!! People always tell me I'm so great for working pediatrics...that it must be such a hard job seeing kids in pain all the time, but KIDS ROCK!! Adults are hard to work...they cry and complain and just want to play. Who cars if I have a feeding tube down my nose or a chest tube coming out of my chest...GET ME OUT OF THIS BED!! If you don't believe me think of your attitude the last time you had a cold or fever VS the attitude of her 3 year with a cold or fever. KIDS ARE TOUGH!!
Fun in the Sun
Last Tuesday I decided to get Haylee's haircut!! It was always in her face and was just thin and stringy!! It took me a few days to get use to it but now I LOVE it and it's SO easy to take care of and I think it stays out of her face a little better too!!
Yesterday we played hookie from church...there are several kids with a virus and it is spreading around our church like a wild fire so we decided to stay away...just in case!! We went to the park instead!!
Marcus and Daylani making snow cones!! Marcus is a 3rd with Josh and his wife is the sweetest thing EVER!!
Haylee is feeding "Baby Wilaam" her snow cone!!
We was watching William so his parents (Andy and Cassie...Andy is another 3rd year with Josh) could go see The Avengers!!

Today was 82 degrees so we decided to go to the park again!! Here are the girls huddled around the baby!! It starts young!!
This is she not a doll!!
Remember Oaklen.....I took his Birth Story here!!
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