Monday, February 20, 2012

Kindergarten Music Program

The Kindergarten and 1st grade classes had a music program last Thursday night!!!  It was TOO cute!!  I truthfully kind of dreading it....lots of kids singing (half of them not), watching lots of kids that is not my own sing, and lots of waiting to watch my own kid sing....boy was I wrong!!  It was SO cute!!  They all performed together (EVERYONE sang and did the motions!!) and it was short and concise!!  Garrett was right in the front row and did GREAT!!!  It was AWESOME!!!

These pictures where taken before we left for the program.

Here are two videos's kind hard to see'll have to really look for him.

1 comment:

  1. If he's the one in front with graymshirt and tan pants, i saw him as soon as I looked at picture! Lol!
