Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Black Cloud

This last month has been a black cloud over our family and as you can probably tell from my lack of post I have not been myself.
It all started with coming home to a flooded house and then finding out we had been robbed.  A four to five week process took over 8 weeks!!  It wasn't because our damage was too great....it was days without work being done and when work was done it was done for a few hours a day.  It was hard having strangers in out and of our home.  Finding out in the morning that you needed to wait around because a crew was coming over in an hour (ended up usually being 2-5 hrs later).  
Then I get sick...who would figure.  All the stress!!  It was bound to happen.
Haylee then has surgery and does FANTASTIC....until DAY 3!!  She develops a fever, doesn't want to get out of bed, eat, play, go trick or treating.  Her nose smells like something crawled up there and died and then her speech starts slurring.  The doctors say that she has the same bacteria that causes diptheria!!  That's right....DIPTHERIA!  

So here are the pictures that I have managed to take of our Halloween this year!!  Sorry it's not much!!

Garrett and Haylee digging out the pumpkin!!

Halloween 2011-  A total bust!!  Haylee felt HORRIBLE!!  She wanted to get dressed up but didn't want to do anything but lay in the van or have me hold her!!  I felt so bad for her!!
Here we are though....the Incredible Family!!

Garrett had a good time!!  Here was his loot!!

After a week of laying in bed and watching Dora (and a LARGE dose of some rare antibiotic) Haylee started feeling much better!!  Thank goodness.  She is eating good, playing like nothing happened, and her voice is back to normal!!  I believe the black cloud has been lifted!!  We have some sunshine (too bad not literally) coming our way!!!

Haylee feeling much better!!!

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