Sunday, July 26, 2009

Man's Best Friend

Molly is fitting right into our family!! She likes Garrett the best. They get along so good!! We decided to take her to the groomers today....PETCO is the BEST!! She got a bath, haircut, ears cleaned, nails trimmed, and even bows in the hair (and everyone who knows me, knows thats a MUST!!!) all for $30. The groomer did a really good job too. You really can't tell from the pictures but she looks really good!!
Haylee is getting really big too!!!! Today we ate rice and homemade bananas....(mashed bananas with water!!) I am SO going to start making my own baby food. It's SO easy and much cheaper!! I found a website that had all kinds of recipes for when she gets older.

She is now FIVE months old...weights 14.6 lbs. She's out growing size 2 diapers FAST. Wearing 3-9 month clothing (depending on the brand). She smiles when you just look at her. She's rolling over and rolling all over the place. She squeals LOUD. And she's still nursing and eats rice with either applesauce, sweet potatos, or now bananas once a day!!!

1 comment:

  1. is the best. The homemade kind tastes soooo much better.
    Your new pup is so cute. I like the picture of her with Garrett.
    Haylee is getting so big. She is going to catch up with Audrey soon. She is such a cutie.
