Our city park has huge fountians for everyone to play in. Today Josh and I took the kids to the park and let Garrett play in the fountains. We met some friends of ours there too. They have a little girl, Sophie, that will be 4 this week and Garrett and her get along really well. Haylee does NOT like the water. I don't think she's going to the water baby Garrett was!! The city also has free lunch for the kids every day in the park as well so after we played in the water we ate lunch. The adult lunches are $2 and the kids 0-18 are free!! It was really good. They had chicken, salads, sandwiches, fruit, veggies, yogart, milk, peanut butter, and a lot more to choose from!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Water Park
It has been over a 100 degrees here this week and today we went to a friends house from church....she created a child's water park in her back yard!! Garrett had a blast. It was fun to get to know other mom's in the church too. The kids played in the backyard while the mom's got to visit. We all brought something for lunch too and had a nice lunch together!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ok......So I think I'm getting paid back for my blog earlier for making fun of all you guy in hot weather...while we were enjoying the 60's. Today was 106!!!! And this is Portland....NO AIR CONDITIONERS!!! Our friends went to Walmart at 11pm last night just because they were SO hot!! We went to the beach today. It was nice there!! The water felt GREAT! I'll load some pictures tomorrow.
Another day at the beach
Today we went to the beach again and the weather was SO much nicer!! We went with some of our friends, Ivan and Emily Godwin (they're from Clovis too!!). It was about 85 and sunny. The water felt great!! Garrett had a wonderful time. He played in the sand and we built tunnels in the sand, sand castles, and dug holes. We also played in the water. Haylee does not like the water so much, but she had a nice time relaxing on her blanket with all of us. We took our new puppy with us as well and she LOVED the sand and water. She got a little hot, but she found shade under our chairs and dug herself a hole in the sand!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Man's Best Friend
Molly is fitting right into our family!! She likes Garrett the best. They get along so good!! We decided to take her to the groomers today....PETCO is the BEST!! She got a bath, haircut, ears cleaned, nails trimmed, and even bows in the hair (and everyone who knows me, knows thats a MUST!!!) all for $30. The groomer did a really good job too. You really can't tell from the pictures but she looks really good!!
Haylee is getting really big too!!!! Today we ate rice and homemade bananas....(mashed bananas with water!!) I am SO going to start making my own baby food. It's SO easy and much cheaper!! I found a website that had all kinds of recipes for when she gets older.
Haylee is getting really big too!!!! Today we ate rice and homemade bananas....(mashed bananas with water!!) I am SO going to start making my own baby food. It's SO easy and much cheaper!! I found a website that had all kinds of recipes for when she gets older.
She is now FIVE months old...weights 14.6 lbs. She's out growing size 2 diapers FAST. Wearing 3-9 month clothing (depending on the brand). She smiles when you just look at her. She's rolling over and rolling all over the place. She squeals LOUD. And she's still nursing and eats rice with either applesauce, sweet potatos, or now bananas once a day!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Molly Sorenson

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Our Day Out on the Town
Today we decided to go downtown and explore Portland. It was really neat. We went to a farmers market which had a lot of fresh produce, flowers, berries, etc.... Then we ate lunch on the river at the Old Speghetti Factory, YUM!!! Then we went back downtown and rode the Portland streetcar system to Washington Park. The railway system is really neat and goes right through our town. Next time I decide to go downtown I'll take the "TriMet." It's only $4 all day and you don't have to fight traffic!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy 24th Birthday JOSH!!
Today is Josh's 24th Birthday!! We had a GREAT day!! We went to Tillamook cheese factory again and got some more cheese, YUM!! Then went on to the beach where we FROZE!!! It was 96 degrees in Portland and 58 degrees on the beach. We promised Garrett he would get to play in the sand so we were obligated to stay!! We stayed and played for about 10 mins...the newness wore off and he realized how cold and windy it was. He was COVERED in sand!! We came home and had cheese and crackers for dinner and then ate birthday cake!! It was a good day for our family!!!
(PS....I didn't get any pictures of Haylee today because she was in her carseat all covered in blankets so sand wouldn't get in her eyes!!)
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