Last day of SUMMER!! No better way to spend it than with friends at the pool!!!
So yes I'm way behind and I have thought about just forgetting the blog but I love going back and reading about our lives!! It's fun to look back and pictures and what was going on!! So I'm going to try to be better about posting!! Even if it's just for myself!!
So a lot has happened....nothing exciting but a lot!!
The kids started school, my grandpa turned 80 and I started a new job!!
I started an ER position at the local hospital here in Tulsa. It's been a learning experience but I'm loving it!! I am planning on working one night a week to stay up on nursing skills, have adult time and of course make a little extra cash!!

Garrett started the THIRD GRADE!!! He is in Mrs. McCleer's class (who happens to live 2 doors down from us....very convenient!!) He's loving life. He's happy, fun, loves his friends and loves to find himself in trouble (guess he's a normal 8 year old boy!!)

Miss Haylee started KINDERGARTEN!!! I know it's crazy!! She was so excited and so ready!!! She has a new teacher....that we love!! Ms. Smith!! Haylee prides herself in being one of the best kids in the class!! They have different colors that represent their behavior and she has NEVER gone down in a color (apparently only two kids have achieved this)!!
Our neighbors and friends!!

Mrs. McCleer and Ms. Smith
My grandpa turned 80 this year!! I can't believe that's possible!! I have so many memories with him!! Driving his old grey truck (and crashing it in his mailbox), going and getting peacock feathers and a neighboring farm, helping him and my grandma feed the baby cows a bottle, eating pita bread and salsa as a bedtime snack, and looking at those really neat pop-up books that we were not allowed to touch without them with us!! I'm so happy that my kids are not getting to create memories with him!!!
a selfie I took of us!!
Natalee's cousin Dorthy who happens to be 6 months younger than her!!
We Love you Grandpa!!!
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