Haylee has had a constant ear infection since this summer when her ear drum ruptured. We have tried letting it ride and several different antibiotics (7 to be exact) and NOTHING was working so we decided to put in another set of tubes!! The surgery was yesterday and she did GREAT!!!
We had to be there at 6:30am so she was tired. I requested her not receive the pre-med of Versed before hand because it takes several hours to wear off and can make them feel really yucky afterwards. The only reason they give it, is so kids aren't scared going into the operating room....she did great!!! No issues at all staying good bye to me!!

Waiting for them to come get her!!
Natalee and I waiting while she was in surgery!!
She woke up a little emotional and sick. She was crying for her Daddy too!! That was pretty sad!!

But after a little nap she was back to NORMAL Haylee!!!
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