Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Starting a Routine

Garrett, Haylee and Natalee at 3 months.
Can you tell them apart??

Last week Garrett started the 2nd Grade!!  I can't believe it!!  I have very clear memories of the 2nd grade!! 

Oklahoma has a public pre-k program in the elementry schools but they are all day everyday and I wasn't ready to let Haylee go quite yet.....but after not having Garrett home all day and our play dates consisting of babies and 2 & 3 year olds (because most people put their 4 year olds in pre-k) we decided to let her go.  

Today was her first day!!

So that just leaves me and Natalee at home which is kinda weird....and quiet!!  So what do I decide to do....


Natalee will be 3 months old tomorrow 

She's weighs 12lbs (on our bathroom scale).  She is more serious that I remember Garrett and Haylee being but she is starting to smile and giggle.  She is no longer colicky (thank goodness) and is sleeping 8-10hrs at night.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Fun

We are getting settled in Oklahoma and getting use to the heat, the thunderstorms, the hair bows, the bugs, and everything else that goes with living in the south (really its the midwest).  I've met several other moms and we are slowly meeting friends.  The other day we met several moms at a splash pad in town.  The kids had a blast!!!

Yesterday one of my new friends invited us to this AMAZING wildlife park!!  
I'm not sure if any of  you saw the footage of baby tigers nursing on a golden retriever about 5 years's a news clip of it...

Well this park is about 20 miles north of us and it was awesome.  It is run by an awesome Christian family and even though they struggle keeping this park open, you can tell it is their passion and they love those animals.  
Baby lemur bouncing all over the the trees, on the stroller, on the catches.  It just wanted to play!!

She LOVED animal crackers!!!  Thanks Garrett!!!

"I LOVE this place!!"

Baby baboon riding on his mommy!!!

Haylee petting a tortoise!!

 Haylee's friend Mason!!  

This is how much Natalee enjoyed the zoo!!

Tom, the owner, showing us how HUGE the tiger is!!

They are best buds!!!

 Petting the kangroo!!

Sonic the Hedgehog!!  Garrett was a little freaked out I guess.  I didn't even realize he made that face until after I got home and looked at the pictures.

 Baby lemur riding on her mommy!!

 You want me to hold an alligator??  NO WAY!!

 I'll pet it though....

Tom with the baby baboon!!   He's going to featured on the animal planet next month!!