Garrett, Haylee and Natalee at 3 months.
Can you tell them apart??
Last week Garrett started the 2nd Grade!! I can't believe it!! I have very clear memories of the 2nd grade!!
Oklahoma has a public pre-k program in the elementry schools but they are all day everyday and I wasn't ready to let Haylee go quite yet.....but after not having Garrett home all day and our play dates consisting of babies and 2 & 3 year olds (because most people put their 4 year olds in pre-k) we decided to let her go.
Today was her first day!!
So that just leaves me and Natalee at home which is kinda weird....and quiet!! So what do I decide to do....
Natalee will be 3 months old tomorrow
She's weighs 12lbs (on our bathroom scale). She is more serious that I remember Garrett and Haylee being but she is starting to smile and giggle. She is no longer colicky (thank goodness) and is sleeping 8-10hrs at night.