I spent an amazing weekend up on Mt Hood at our annual ladies retreat!! It was such an amazing, spiritual weekend!! I returned home this evening and we were sitting around talking on the couch with the kids and Garrett out of the blue asked me what it meant to be born again. He said...
'I was reading my bible and Jesus was talking to an old guy and the old guy asked Jesus how to get to heaven and Jesus told him that he had to be born again and the old guy thought that was weird.'
He was reading his bible ON HIS OWN!!! We have not enforced him or told him to read his Bible on his own time. Not only did he read his bible on his own he understood (kinda) what it was saying and enough to come ask to us to explain it further!!
I think this moment has probably been my most favorite with my son!! What an amazing kid this is!! God is touching this little boys heart and I know He has some great and mighty plans for this little guy!!
Thank you God for giving this amazing child to us. Please continue to touch him and draw him close to you!! Help us raise him to always want to read his Bible and understand your words. We love you SO much!!!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Zoo Trip and Baby Shower
Yesterday was a very fun day for us!! First Haylee had a field trip to the zoo with her preschool!!! It wasn't a super sunny beautiful day but it didn't rain on us so we were happy!!!
Haylee with her best friend Kathryn!!
So Haylee TOTALLY has a little 4 year old crush on this boy Chase. We do not talk about "boyfriend and girlfriends" in our house. Everyone is just our friend!! So we have NOT encouraged and talked about this boy AT ALL but every time she see's him she gets excited and shy. It is really cute!!
Some friends from Haylee's class
Dani....another BEST friend!! We do our hair like Dani a lot and it's called a "Dani Braid."
How many kids can fit on the lion??
Baby Lily!!
Then yesterday evening was my baby shower my work threw for me!! It was so sweet and thoughtful. We had a GREAT time!!!
All the food was SUPER YUMMY!!!
The cake!!
Super cute diaper cake!!
Lindsey and Joy!! My super sweet friends who hosted the shower for me!!! Thank you girls!!! It was awesome!!!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Tulips, Tulips, & more Tulips
Garrett was out of school today and it wasn't raining so we decided to down to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. Unfortunately Josh had a patient and wasn't able to join us but I wasn't sure when else we'd get to go so it was just the kids and I (and Annie)!
As you can see they were in full bloom and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
Garrett by his purple flowers and Haylee by her pink ones!!
He did this all one his own!! HOW SWEET!!

In the Wooden Shoe's!
So sad it's our last Tulip Festival!!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Fire Stations and Baseball
Haylee's preschool went on a field trip Friday to the fire station!! Very exciting!!!
Her preschool class!!

Everyone touching the fire fighter in full gear!!
Learning to crawl to safety.
Just as our field trip was ending they got called out!! BYE!!!
Garrett started playing baseball this year (last year was t-ball)!! He had his first game on Wednesday and did SO awesome!!! Even hit the ball....ALL THREE TIMES he was up to bat...here's a video of the action!!
Hitting the ball!!!
Monday, April 1, 2013
After such a fun Spring Break we had to finish it off with a great Easter....and we did!! Saturday we went to an Easter Egg Hunt with our church and Sunday we had a great church service and then a some friends over for a great dinner!!
Ready for the HUNT...Ready, Set, GO!!!
"Quit taking pictures...I'm finding eggs!!"
Ready to dye some eggs!!
With the help from Haylee's big boy best friend Marcus (and Dayloni)!!
He forgot what holiday it was!!
Easter Morning!!
Me with my three babies!!
This one is sucking it's toes!!
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