Thursday, April 26, 2012

Swim Lessons

The kids have been taking swim lessons every Mon-Wed-Fri for the last several months and we just decided to take a break since T-ball started (it was too much having something every night of the week!). Garrett has gotten quite good at swimming!!  Haylee has come a long way too...

Haylee had a really hard time jumping in and she finally did the last week of swim lessons!!

This video is quite long...sorry.  There is a lot of time where his teacher is talking to him but it was the best video of his swimming and I wasn't sure how to shorten it!!  


Wonderful Spring

It has been such a beautiful spring so far!!  We have a couple of sunshine, warms days and then a couple of cool rainy days....I can totally handle that!!!  We try to enjoy the sunshine when it is out and take advantage of the warm days!!  We have been busy with T-ball, play dates at the park and cold trips to the beach...more an that further down!   

Garrett is LOVING t-ball!!  He is really getting the hang of hitting and catching!!  It is fun to watch him hit the ball!!!

The Maroon Cougars on opening day!!


Last weekend it was 83 degrees here and sunny!!  It was SO beautiful.  I was looking at the weather and saw that is was suppose to be 75 at the coast and sunny so a girlfriend and I loaded our combined 5 kids up and took of 80 miles west to the beach!!  I took Garrett out of the school early, we packed lunches and went!!
Our glorous sunny day at the beach did not go as planned!!  Haylee got car sick on the way, Garrett got stung by a jellyfish, all the kids got sand in their eyes, it was windy and most of all NOT 75....try 60!!  We did have an adventure though!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring is in the Air

We have actually had a decent spring so far (it's only been 21 days so far so I won't hold my breath)!! We have had sunshine for a few days then rain for a few days....and I can handle that!!  The NW is so beautiful because of the rain, so it's expected (but I promise you, you won't ever see on my facebook, "Thank you God for the rain...much needed!!" like my friends in NM are saying!!).  Anyway we having been soaking up the sunshine when we can get it!!  The other day I curled Haylee's hair (just because I felt like it) and I took pictures of her beautiful little face while she played with flowers (don't tell her those aren't real flowers!!)

....and of course she has to dance to whatever she is doing!!!

The last two days have not been so sunny, in fact it has rained so hard I have felt we were back usually doesn't rain hard here, it's usually just a constant drizzle.  
Haylee was either sick of the rain today or tired from all of our playing in the sun but she was CRANKY!!!  She didn't want anything but wanted everything!!  So finally after her nap (which she slept 2 hrs but must of woke up on the same side because she woke up just as cranky) I decided to do something fun....let her make cookies!!  Boy did that change her mood!!!

Our kitchen was a MESS, but missy girl was happy!!


HOME RUN!!!  Well not quite but you sure can tell he's played before!!!  GO COUGARS!!!

And I'm saving the cutest picture for last..........

Are you ready?!?

Is she not the cutest little fishy ballerina you've ever seen!!!  Her ballet costume came in today!!  Her recital isn't until June but we cannot wait to see these SIX little fishy's dance!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Zoo with Haylee

Yesterday was another beautiful day so Haylee and I decided to take a trip to the zoo and we invited our friends!!  

In an eagle nest!!!

I would say she had fun!!

Easter Weekend


We had a fun filled Easter weekend!!!  They weather was beautiful all weekend....sunny and high 60's (I think it even hit 70 at one point!!) Saturday morning we went to our church's annual Easter egg hunt hosted by a wonderful lady, Judy Hinds!!  It is quite an event!!  She hides over 1500 eggs for the kids in our church to come find!!  Afterwards there are all sorts of yummy snacks!!

"What's that bright light coming out of the sky!!"

The kids ready to start the hunt!!!

Garrett got a GOLDEN EGG!!!  He got to pick a special gift (an egg full of yummy chocolate)!!

Sunday morning the kids woke up and hunted eggs the Easter Bunny hid!!  The Easter bunny also brought some items that mommy was going to buy anyway (that nice Easter bunny) like a helmet for Haylee and a basketball for Garrett!!

Garrett and Haylee made a deal that Garrett would give Haylee the pink eggs and Haylee would give Garrett the purple eggs!!

Garrett's basketball!!

A princess bike helmet!!!


We ate breakfast and got ready for church!!

The kids already for church!!

Garrett and Haylee with their friend Noah

Noah isn't too sure about the silly faces!!

After church we went home and started cooking lunch (one of Josh's classmates and his wife came over).  While lunch was cooking we dyed Easter eggs!!

It was a really fun day!!!