Look what Garrett did (well mostly Mommy.........and Daddy)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Life Group
A Christ-focused family committed to: Living for God, loving each other and lighting the world.

Here's a picture of our life group!! We have such a great group!!
From Left-Right: Plattner's, Sadlers, Kennedy's, Stephens, Schwisow's, Sorenson's, Hess'
Here's a picture of all the kids in the life group!!!
Floor: Addy, 2 Leni, 5 Eagan 4
Couch: Garrett, 4 Ian, 7months Haylee, 14 months Noah, 7 months
Grant, 4 Blake, 2 Luke, 2 Nile, 3 Alane 10 months
AND there is Baby Boy Schwisow on the way (due in July!!)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Today we did some planting outside and it was pretty warm....it was only about 68 degrees but the sun was shining right down in our yard and the kids kept playing in the hose so I decided to just put them in the swim suits and they had a BLAST!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Spring Fever
"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain
Garrett LOVES playing in the dirt....we found that Haylee does too!
Garrett and Leni- our new "over the road" neighbor
Haylee sporting Leni's headband!!
"I want to pick one of these bright things SO bad but Mommy keeps saying NO everytime I go for it...I think I'll do it anyway!"
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival
It was such a GOREGOUS day today that we decided to go admire God's beauty after church. We went about 30 miles south of us to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival!! Oh how God created beauty!!!
Garrett: "Mom, why did God make that tree so beautiful!!!"
What a great thing it is to hear the beauty of a three year old's thoughts!!! I told him he created the trees, flowers, and everything else so beautiful so we'd tell Him THANK YOU!! So I challenge you to Thank God ever time you see something beautiful!!!
Nana, Garrett said this picture is for you because it's red!!
Walking through the fields!!
Garrett helping Haylee to walk :)
As many of you know this is Garrett's FAVORITE color!!
Garrett acting like a "crazy man"
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Almost Walking
Haylee is wants to walk so bad!!! She has taken SIX steps and can stand by herself really well!! As soon as she builds the confidence to take off....SHE'LL BE GONE!!!
My Knight in Shining Armor
So as many of you know my in-laws were in town for a few weeks for Spring Break. They told us that Josh and I could go out of town for a couple of days if we wanted them to keep the kids. Josh took it into his hands to plan the entire trip....yea kinda scary for a control freak like myself!! But I was SO excited about....and did he do GOOD!!!
I did not know ANYTHING until.....well until I got there!! I went and picked him from school around 10am Friday morning and we started driving north on I-5 toward Seattle....so I started thinking "YEA....we're going to Seattle!!!!" Well we drove right through Seattle. So we keep driving and driving and driving a little more!!!
Josh is having a BLAST keeping me guessing!!!
We stop in this HORRIBLE line.....and YES that is a FERRY BOAT in the back ground!!!! Oh yeah, we going to an island!!
On the Ferry Boat...it's cold and windy!!
We made it to the San Juan Islands!!!
Wildwood Manor Bed and Breakfast!!!
Friday Harbor, WA (San Juan Island)
Deer taking a morning drink
These two pictures (above and below) where what we saw from our car on the ferry boat!
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