Monday, June 8, 2009

Our House

We signed a lease on a house in Portland. It's actually in a suburb of Portland called Aloha, OR. It's 1500 square feet, 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It's two stories which I'm a little nervous about with having two little ones but we'll just get nice baby gates and NO PLAYING ON THE STAIRS. It has a nice little yard with a privacy fence so the kids can play outside without me worrying about them. We're SO excited. It's about 11 miles away from Josh's school and about 9 miles away from Garrett's preschool. Josh leaves for Portland on June 30th. He's renting a truck and driving up there with his step-dad and dad (that will be interesting), and then me, the kids, and Jody (my mother in law) are flying up to Portland on the 3rd of July. It's ALMOST HERE!!! Josh is trying to get into the Air Force too. He went for his physical last Friday and passed with flying colors and now he just has to send his application in and it will go to a scholarship board. If he does get in they will pay for ALL of Dental school as well as a $2000 stipend for us to live on!! I SO hope he gets in but it's pretty competitive. His recruiter says we have nothing to worry about but I'll be happy when we have a definite answer. Sorry I'm not able to post something everyday. Life is pretty crazy right now, but we're making it. We're all ready to get into a routine and have a house. Jody has been so kind to let us live with her and it's been nice having help but it's not the same has having your OWN house. Soon....Soon. I hope everyone is doing well and please keep looking at our blog. We'll keep you updated!!

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