Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Ok, well I haven't written in awhile...SORRY!!! We had a great day. We went to church and then the kids and I went to the duck pond and tried feeding the ducks but I think everyone else already had that idea because there was a TON of bread on the shore and the ducks wanted NO part in it. Oh well...we're going to try again tomorrow. Haylee had her two month shots last Thursday and it was kinda sad. She did really well though. She was fussy for a couple of hours after the shots but then she was fever or anything!! Then on Friday we said good bye to one of our dogs...Sadie. We can't take them with us when we go to Portland so we're having to give them away. :( Sadie is going to a good home we just have to find a good home for Tyson. Well I hope everyone had a great day. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Family picture guys!!! I hope you are having a good time in Arkansas! I love you lots!!
