Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Regular Posting

So I love the blog!!  I love posting and I love having a diary of our life.  BUT I have a busy house and it gets crazy!!  I have really slacked since having Natalee almost 2 years ago!!  Has it been almost 2 years?!?!  How is that possible??  Well my parents are about to embark on a traveling journey around the world and Josh's parents are healing from some recent illnesses so I've decided to start dedicating some time back into the blog!!  Help keep me accountable!!!
Look at how big they are!!  Garrett will be NINE in June.  Haylee will be SIX this month.  Natalee will be TWO in May!!!  

They have such a love-hate relationship (they love each other more than they think!!)  They can't stand not playing with each other!!  

Natalee is a center of the family right now.  She's the baby and basically gets away with whatever she wants!!  We are going to be in trouble with this one and her big blue eyes!!  She LOVES her big brother and sister and they love her right back!!

Our "puppy" Duke!!  He turns one this month!!

Some fun pictures I took for our laundry room!!