Monday, January 28, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Sweet Baby
We had our big ultrasound this week and it made things so real for me!! I am also really feeling movement now which is so exciting!! Here's a picture of the baby!! Can't wait to meet you!!
Mansfield Maternity
I took this beautiful families photo's last Saturday. It was so cold and frosty but the sun was so beautiful!! This family is so sweet and God is so good!! They had help getting pregnant with baby #1 & 2 and were happy with their sweet little family (a boy and a girl what more could you ask for??) Then God decided He had different plans for them and she gets pregnant with baby #3!!!
We can't wait to meet you sweet baby!!
Fun at Mt. Hood
A few weeks ago we went up to "Mountain Hood" (that what Garrett calls it) with several friends from Josh's class and had fun playing in the snow!! The kids love it up there!!!

Garrett "sledding" down the hill
I LOVE how Haylee looks asleep in this picture!!
The boys were super crazy and were sledding down this crazy steep hill...and Garrett enjoyed throwing snow balls at them!!

The Bateman's
The Duffy's
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Portland Children's Musuem
The 1st Friday of every month at the Children's Museum is free so we took the opportunity to do something fun for free!! My friend Dusty and her girls joined us as well!!
Only the dentist kids
Dani and Haylee all done up!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Happy Holidays
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!! We had a very full and merry Christmas!! It was filled with family which is always so wonderful!!
It started off with Josh’s sister, Jessie coming to visit us. We haven’t seen Jessie since last Thanksgiving. She has spent most of the year in Rwanda doing missions so it was so wonderful having her home and having time to spend with her!! The kids(especially Haylee) had SO much fun with her!! Haylee’s favorite game to play with her was mom and sleep!! CRAZY GIRL!!
Going on a Christmas walk with Jessie!! These people decorated their wooded area behind their house with all kids of Christmas lights!! It was really neat!!
Play sleep with Jessie
Haylee had her preschool Christmas program while Jessie was here too!! She was SO cute!! Such a good little singer!! Santa came to visit afterward too!!
Santa even knew their name without anyone telling him!!
We also had our first and probably only snow!! It started snowing a little flirries right before I took Garrett to school so Garrett wanted to go to school early to play in it. On the way home HUGE flakes started coming down!! We had a little dusting but it was melted after an hour!!
We have been wanting to try this restaurant in Portland where you sit on the floor and eat with your hands. It's a Moroccan restaurant so we decided to give it a try with Jessie!! It was really neat and so much fun!! The food was awesome!! It was defiantly an experience though. You eat with your hands and the food is NOT finger foods...we are talking rice, meat with sauce, etc!!! We had a great time though!!!
Nana and Papa came in December 18th for Christmas!! It is so fun having such a full house! The kids loved having family in and so many people to play with. We had fun looking at Christmas lights, decorating sugar cookies, and of course Christmas morning was a blast!!

Garrett didn't want Papa helping make cookies because he said that Papa would just eat the cookies!!
Matching girls!!
Reading The Night Before Christmas

Making sure the reindeer have food too
Gingerbread House and Cookies for Santa- BEFORE

Patiently waiting to go downstairs!!

Playing with Christmas toys!!
Sweet Annie playing with her Christmas toy by the fire!!
December 27th we took Gene and Jody back to the
airport and to the kids surprise picked up my parents!! That was FUN!! They were so sad that Nana and Papa were
leaving and so happy that Grandma and Grandpa were here!!
This is how you pull a suitcase or should I say get pulled on a suitcase!!
While my parents were in we went to the zoo, out to eat, and
just had fun hanging out!!
Eating at a Sushi bar!! Garrett BEGGED for the clams!! I kept telling him I didn't think he would like it and every time they came around he wanted them so finally I gave in and got them for him!! He LOVED them!!
We took my parents to Merrekesh (the Moroccan restaurant) too!!
A puzzle Lindsey and Steve got Haylee!!
We took a trip up to OHSU (where Josh goes to school and I work). My parents haven't had the chance to see inside Josh's school yet. We also took a ride on the tram!!
Haylee opening up her mouth for Daddy in Daddy's chair!!
On Sunday the sun decided to grace us with it's presence ! It was still really cold but the sun was too beautiful to pass up so we decided to take a trip to the zoo!!
Working on some finger painting!!
So there you have it!! Our Christmas Holiday season!! We had a great one and I hope you did too!! Thank you Mom and Dad, Nana and Papa, and Jessie for flying out it making it as great as it was!! It's hard to believe this is our last Christmas in Oregon! Here are some fun Garrett moves for you to enjoy!!
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